Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Petition To Stop A Zoo, Which Is Free? Haha!

I know that once you read the post title, you will think that I am absolutely inhumane, but if you look at it on my side, it's really stupid. Ok, my class went to the zoo in Kuantan today, and we accidentally came at feeding time, so went the zookeepers were feeding the snake, we saw this chicken being eaten by the python. I have to admit, it is quite gruesome, but some girls in my class got to such a terrible mental state, that some even wanted to go home( Pathetic Right?) So one bastard gets up and says " I am meeting my mum's friend and he's a lawyer, I'm gonna ask how many people it takes to shut down a zoo with a petition. OK, look at it my side now, if you release it into the wild, the animals are gonna terrorize and never stop eating, if you basically feed them, they're controlled, I mean all of us eat chicken rice, so I mean does that mean that a petition should go on to stop us from eating chicken, NO! Life goes on? People in this world start to craze me more and more everyday!

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