Monday, March 29, 2010

A Different Point In Time

The last time I have posted on this blog seems to already be an eternity, and so many things have happened. Liverpool seem to be out of their slump with wins against Lille, Portsmouth and a delightful game against Sunderland. Over the time of my non-posting, I have also went to Qing-Ming, which is prayers for the dead along with giving some items in respect. It's a once a year thing and it's sort of sticking now, after the habit of 4 years. We're praying for my dad's parents.It's currently the EASTER HOLIDAYS and I miss school already although it is only the third day in. I guess it's like that, going to a new school and getting over-excited over school with the new environment. Earth-hour has just finished a few days ago, with the twin towers going nearly COMPLETELY blank. It seemed as if it was almost not there, with the traditional lighting normally spotted from a long distance. There is still a number of homeworks and projects left to do before school reopens in two weeks time. Visit my twitter account, for the latest updates and a clearer picture on my life. I have also just recently tried out several new multiplayer games, superstar racing and FIFA Online 2. Both of them are way wicked and definitely set the tone for the future.

Piano is not the way forward,

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