Saturday, October 31, 2009
FIFA 10: The Sturday Post
I am personally still waiting a birthday gift, due 1 month ago(although I sorta asked for it). I have seen lots of videos on it, with graphics and game play extremely good! I am really pissed, Aquilanni still isn't playing for Liverpool properly yet. Down with a silly virus! And Liverpool will also be without Gerrard and Mascherano, a tragedy!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Internet Set For Change, why?
I have just recently heard that the internet is set for the biggest chnge in it's 40 year history, with some script(whatever that is) change, I personally think that the internet is fine the way it is, with facebook, games, and almost every single bit of information you need through wikipedia. Why change it?
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Helga Post
There's one person, I can't even mention the gender, horrible, disguisting, uncivilized, doesn't think, and basically just obsessed with nearly every single good looking opposite sex person(at least it thinks) in the planet. I really damn dislike it.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
It's nice to be back
It's really nice to be back, after my blog series, Boy In Vietnam. I have to admit that the ending I left you guys with wasn't the ending, there was SO much more! The trip back to Kuala Lumpur was maddening! It was as shaky as ever, I felt like I was going to die at moments(a lot of moments!). The journey back was pretty usual, nothing really interesting to say,
Fernando Torres,
Liverpool FC,
Michael Jackson,
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Back To School
I have to admit, Vietnam is awesome, but all things have to have an ending. But school always has to re-start, but it is nice to see friends again. I guess my favourite thing about Vietnam is the Chu Chi tunnels, so many exhibits, so many things to see and do. Gonna go on plane back to KL and a car trip to Kuantan after, and then the Liverpool-Manu game!
My 24 Hour Visitor Record
Today, I have just broken my 24 hour recent visitor record by battering it! My previous record was a mediocre 6, but the bar is being set higher, with 18 being the new record, it could be mostly because of random chance or a person who loves the letters lmnop, but I will take it!
Star Black Coffee And It's Story:Day 6
Today, my family and I went to this really deserted shopping mall in Vietnam. It was called the Factory Outlet Mall. The funny thing is, it took us 1 and a half hours just to get there, and we were only going to spend 2 hours there. The worst thing was we spent 1 and a half hours at a coffee shop because we didn't look around properly! LOL!
Friday, October 23, 2009
RP Means A Lot Of Things
Have you ever thought how initials can get you thinking? RP was one that I thought of just today. RP can mean to some gamers like me be ranking points. To a girl, I am just saying, most want to be Rich and Pretty, get it R and P? For food lovers, any food that can be Roasted and starts with P. There are lots!
Fierce Battle Of My Blog!
This is one of the fiercest rivalries ever, forget Manchester United vs Liverpool or Lionel Messi vs Christiano Ronaldo! It's my blog's personal battle! The iPod touch vs the computer! This is very close with the iPod (including this post) has 72 posts againsts a challenging 103, this might seem a huge climb for the iPod, but I have to tell you, I prefer writing with it nowadays, and it has had 22 of the last 25 posts. Something that would not look like a good stat for those betting that the computer would win. Check in 25 posts time to find out whether the iPod is gaining or the computer's lead increases!
Honest Mistake: Redo Of Post 175
I have to say, I made an honest mistake on the counting of the number of posts I have posted, I accidentally posted 1 post half-way, and posted it again when it was finished, the post that provided this unexpected event was the post "Best Ipod Touch Apps(To Me)" So I have to admit that this is a wierd post for post 175. But again, it's post 175!
The First lmnop16 Blog Awards:Post 175
It's post 175 here on this blog, providing short, long, funny and random blog posts regularly. A fitting occasion for my favourite posts of I guess, ever on my blog. My favourite is almost certainly "Aaron and the tough Looking Security Guard" which is funny, silly and awesome. Best series is The Vietnam Serial: Boy in Vietnam! "It's Going, Going, And It's Back" won the funniest blog post for me. And on the fighter side( Biggest Hate Post) "Mistakes of A Piano Teacher" and that concludes the awards of Post 175.
Hotel Sweet Hotel: Day 5
Today was a really relaxing day for me, I stayed in the hotel for nearly the whole day, my familiy and I have to shift to an apartment soon though. Nobody is going online on both MSN and Facebook, basically the day was boring too.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Best iPhone Apps(to me)
Since I have been posting so much onto my blog from my iPod anyway, I decided that I should do a post on the best iPod touch apps. For games, I like real football and real tennis, they are really awesome games, the lux touch is also pretty good, it's basically like the game Risk. I use eBuddy for chatting and blog writer for my blogging.
70. km is also 200 km: Day 4
Today was an awesome day, took 3 different boats in total. Went to Mikom Delta, Vietnam. There are 4 islands there in total, islands with wierd names. The reason for the title is because it takes 2 hours to go from Ho Chi Minh to Mikom Delta. The times where you can normally travel 200km. I have a new obsession with honey tea. It's really sweet and it's amazing. Saw lots of animals, from a bee farm to dogs and chickens. I also love the coconut candy there, it's awesome. (Vietnam must try) Had curry rice along with some bulgogi(awesome Korean beef). Ho Chi Minh is awesome!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Boy In Vietnam: Day 3
Today was my favourite out of all the days I have been in Vietnam. The Chu Chi tunnels was awesome. There were so many exhibits there and the road there was really peaceful, compared to crazy Ho Chi Minh. I saw things like tanks, booby traps, and went through this really dark cave, really quite cool! Updates on the night if it's quite nice. Trying to get hold of pictures. Updates coming!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Vietnam Must Try!
If you come down to Vietnam, go to a restaurant called Hua Tock! With delicious food and affordable prices compared to the rest of Vietnam, a must try!
The Boy And His Balloon
One boy, one balloon, can change everything, take the Liverpool FC game against Sunderland, the boy was happily playing with his balloon, and he just hit the ball on the pitch, the football moves and "Bam!" it's a goal. Updates from Vietnam coming tomorrow.
More Than 1 Notre Dame Is Enough: Day 2
Vietnam is just unfolding itself more and more each day, the traffic is just crazy! Had Vietnamise fried rice for breakfast, still prefer the Kuantan type, though. Had to take a tour bus, travelling around Vietnam. First, we went to this pretty cool museum, I really loved the war bits because it's so cool how they make the figurines, and do those awesome backgrounds using clay, it looks really cool! Next we went to the Notre Dam of Vietnam, who knew that there was an exact replica of it in Vietnam? I didn't! It's completely similar, even inside, trust me I have been to France. We then went to some temple to just check out the culture of Vietnam. Had buffet lunch for, I guess lunch. Quite nice spread they had. I think that me and my family are gonna head off to the Vietnam war sites and camps, quite excited if you ask me.
Monday, October 19, 2009
All Buttoned Up
Jenson Button won the world championship yesterday, with a 5th place at Brazil. Wished Kimi Raikonen could have won, but this could also do.
A Vietty Review Of Vietnam
I had to go to Vietnam really early, 6am to be exact, had Nasi Lemak for breakfast on the plane. Arrived at 8am, didn't even realize there was a time difference! The city Is REALLY crowded! Motorcycles everywhere! Honking everywhere x2. This Is just quite a crazy place. Went to a really busy market and a megastore, ate lunch at a foodcourt. There's wi-5 at the hotel! Updates all the way.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Off to Vietnam
Tomorrow, I am going to Vietnam! My father's friend has a lot there and he's moving to Singapore, letting us stay in his apartment(awesome guy, right). Going early in the morning, updates and (maybe) pictures coming to cinemas, sorry this blog this October. Most likely not to be posting in Vietnam, iPod breakdown. Updates about that coming soon as well.
Aaron and The Really Tough Looking Security Guard
Yesterday, me and a few friends went down to the beach, something like a farewell to me and my sister, and we had an amazing time, first we went to some BWIDKBATGK(Beach where I don't know, but all the gangsters know). We were just basically running for absolutely no reason! We walked around a few beaches, got some grub from McDonald's and KFC, ate at the beach. We kept throwing sand at each other, especially Aaron, with his stick. When we were just cooling down, me and Aaron decided it would be awesome to sit on the tree, Aaron then tried to go down IASW(In a Stylo Way). A branch fell and he fell back first. It caused a big rackus and a security guard came. The security guard asked a few questions, and we kept laughing throughout them. It was a phenomenal(hell of a day) day. Basically a hell of a day, day.!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
It's Going, going, and it's back
I had a massive funny/silly moment in tennis today, this all started before the start of the world, I mean yesterday. At the tennis court here where I live, there is a soccer field right beside it, so those guys playing there kicked the ball in the tennis court. I wanted to kick it back, it was quite a special ball, first I tried kicking, it didn't go over, next tried throwing, about 5 times! And it still didn't go over, it pretty much didn't go over until my tennis coach threw it over, he threw it over in 1 shot!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Mistakes Of A Piano Teacher
To me, teachers aren't really good, except my current school teacher when he is in a good mood. And I couldn't agree more after today. My piano teacher has a very confusing language I don't understand.
Mistake 1: 2 weeks ago,she told me I had to practice an exam piece basically for the fun of it, the next week she said I needed it to be at a really good standard, and today she asked me to practice very hard x2.
Mistake 2: Every time she wants me to do something, she just tells me practice at home after my third try(I counted) And she then tells me play again. I can play to me own speed thank you. Or should I say NO thank you!
Mistake 1: 2 weeks ago,she told me I had to practice an exam piece basically for the fun of it, the next week she said I needed it to be at a really good standard, and today she asked me to practice very hard x2.
Mistake 2: Every time she wants me to do something, she just tells me practice at home after my third try(I counted) And she then tells me play again. I can play to me own speed thank you. Or should I say NO thank you!
FIFA 10 And A Bit More
FIFA 10 is the awesomest game of all time!(well that's what I hope) It is said to have by brought in a load of new features and is highly rated by my cousin at . Enough of FIFa and to GUNZ, it is an awesome game, but I haven't been able to play on my computer. Here's why:
I waited 5 hours to actually download the game,
An hour to download something that's supposed to run the game,
2 hours to re-download the game because they couldn't find the file,
1 hour to figure out that I needed to use administrator privillidges,
Do you understand how pissed I am?
I waited 5 hours to actually download the game,
An hour to download something that's supposed to run the game,
2 hours to re-download the game because they couldn't find the file,
1 hour to figure out that I needed to use administrator privillidges,
Do you understand how pissed I am?
Magazine Count(Maybe I Shouldn't Have Counted)
I just had a magazine count from my magazine shelf and just found out that I have 47 tiny and cheap 3RM magazines(at least) I have at least 20 British magazines, I have 2 preview magazines, 2 annuals and 2 basic football magazines. Just as a comparison, I have had 6 glasses in my life, but my 1 year younger than me sister has only got 2. 1 drifted out to sea, I accidentally broke 2 of them(can I even call them accidents) and the rest were because of vision, wait I think I remember, I broke 4, no 3 and 2 were because of my bad vision.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Praise The Victorious, Tuesday Edition
All I have to say first is, Haha, in your face George Bush! Pretty much humiliated because of Barrack Obama, pretty much showing that if you didn't talk about the wars so much, America would be in a better state. Ukraine battled out England in the World Cup qualifier, showing the determination of the players to beat a resilient English side. Maradona is the luckiest man in the world! Not only has he been helped by god when he slam-dunked a football into the net all those years ago, but now Martin Palermo has saved his job with the most important goal of Argentina's qualifying. Praise the victorious!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
In KL right now, thought I should post after quite a long time. Injured my leg because of a cocacola(the game) incident at a wedding. Really silly! Staying at Westin!
To The Natural Disaster Victims
How do you feel to be bathing in water that has been used over and over again, basically water that one whole town shares, quite possibly that you have to drink it too? Not really nice, right? So these natural disasters in Indonesia(The Indonesian shaker as some idiots call it for some inane reason), Phillipines and Japan are really serious. People out there are struggling for food and water and you're using a computer?( Technically I am using an iPod) I'm not blaming anyone, but if you see ANY charities set up for the natural disasters, help the cause! 10 dollars CAN make a difference!
The Leg Incident
Since I haven't written much anyway, I decided to tell you readers exactly what happened with my leg. I was at my grandparent's neighbours daughter or son( I am not sure, do not judge me.) It was at the Kuantan hotel, MS Garden. I went out with my cousins for before the start of the wedding because we got a little bored. We decided to play coca-cola. And has I was trying to get my cousin out, I rubbed an injury I had already on the floor, ( I got him out, but it sorta left a huge mark on my leg) Now, one of my xlassmates, Aaron even made a phrase, song, those what do you call it's. "Cocacola, cocacola, Break My Leg!" Quite awesome right?
Friday, October 9, 2009
The Most Dangerous Weapon Ever!
This is the most dangerous weapon in the world, you wanna know what the most dangerous weapon in the world in the world, you're gonna find out about the most dangerous weapon in the world, you don't want to see the most dangerous weapon in the world, what are you doing here?
So I bet you're wondering what the most dangerous weapon in the world is, iiiiiittttttttttt's
the Rubix Cube! ... Although I don't know what it does. Never Mind, it's still the most dangerous weapon in the world, so here's the most dangerous weapon in the world.
So I bet you're wondering what the most dangerous weapon in the world is, iiiiiittttttttttt's
the Rubix Cube! ... Although I don't know what it does. Never Mind, it's still the most dangerous weapon in the world, so here's the most dangerous weapon in the world.

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